Canine Bed Bug Detection will inspect your residence or commercial property for bed bugs using specially trained canines. Our canines are trained to detect the presence of live bed bugs and/or viable bed bug eggs. Our canines and their handlers need your full cooperation for an accurate and timely inspection. To ensure the safety of our canines and handlers, and allow for the highest possible accuracy, please follow the checklist below. If you have any questions please contact us online or call 608-882-1508. |
If the dogs alert to the presence of live bed bugs and/or viable eggs during the inspection, the accompanying handler will visually inspect to confirm bed bugs. After the inspection, the handler will report back any findings with the client and recommend any services or treatments that may be needed. Our dogs are trained to detect bed bugs and are far more accurate than human-eye test. They can inspect a room in minutes with visual confirmation from their handler. We are certified through the Wisconsin Pest Control Association and the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association. If you think you have bed bugs contact us online or by phone at (608) 882-1508. |
Canine Bed Bug Detection will inspect your residence or commercial property for bed bugs using specially trained canines. Our canines are trained to detect the presence of live bed bugs and/or viable bed bug eggs. Our canines and their handlers need your full cooperation for an accurate and timely inspection. To ensure the safety of our canines and handlers, and allow for the highest possible accuracy, please follow the checklist below. If you have any questions please contact us online or call 608-882-1508. |
If the dogs alert to the presence of live bed bugs and/or viable eggs during the inspection, the accompanying handler will visually inspect to confirm bed bugs. After the inspection, the handler will report back any findings with the client and recommend any services or treatments that may be needed. Our dogs are trained to detect bed bugs and are far more accurate than human-eye test. They can inspect a room in minutes with visual confirmation from their handler. We are certified through the Wisconsin Pest Control Association and the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association. If you think you have bed bugs contact us online or by phone at (608) 882-1508. |