Home Inspections for Bed Bugs
Over the past decade, bed bugs have made a dramatic comeback in the U.S.― they’re appearing increasingly in homes, apartments, hotels, health care facilities, dormitories, shelters, schools and public transportation. You can also find bed bugs in other places including movie theaters, laundries, rental furniture, and office buildings. Immigration and international travel have contributed to the resurgence of bed bugs in the U.S. |
Home Buyers | Sellers |
Bed bugs like to travel and are good hitchhikers. They will hide in suitcases, backpacks and shoes to be near a food supply. They can hide behind baseboards and in cracks, crevices, and folded areas of beds, bedding and adjacent furniture, especially mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs can also hide in electrical switchplates, picture frames, wallpaper and nearly anywhere inside a home.
If you do identify bed bugs in your home, contact us promptly. We will be able to inspect your home, confirm the species and recommend a course of bed bug treatment. |
Furniture & Closets |
Despite their name, bedbugs have no sense of propriety. They don't always remain hidden away in the bed or even the bedroom. They are tiny, opportunistic creatures that migrate easily to all parts of your home including you furniture and closets.
If you have noticed itchy welts on your skin, especially your back or the backs of your legs, or little specks of blood on your clothes or upholstery fabrics, then you probably have a bed bug infestation. The only way to know for sure is to do a thorough inspection. |
Vehicles |
Beds and furniture and the most obvious places to find bed bugs, but these sneaky creatures can also be found in your car. These hitchhikers can easily be brought from your car into your home of business. Bed bugs can sneak into your car via clothing, purses, backpack, boxes or even books.
If you notice blood stains near the seams of the seats, cracks around the console or glove box or the edges of the floor mats, then you problable have a bed bug infestation. The only way to know for sure is to do a thorough inspection. |
Our dogs are trained to detect bed bugs and are far more accurate than human-eye test. They can inspect a room in minutes with visual confirmation from their handler. We are certified through the Wisconsin Pest Control Association and the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association. If you think you have bed bugs contact us online or by phone at (608) 882-1508.
Over the past decade, bed bugs have made a dramatic comeback in the U.S.― they’re appearing increasingly in homes, apartments, hotels, health care facilities, dormitories, shelters, schools and public transportation. You can also find bed bugs in other places including movie theaters, laundries, rental furniture, and office buildings. Immigration and international travel have contributed to the resurgence of bed bugs in the U.S. |

Home Buyers | Sellers |
Bed bugs like to travel and are good hitchhikers. They will hide in suitcases, backpacks and shoes to be near a food supply. They can hide behind baseboards and in cracks, crevices, and folded areas of beds, bedding and adjacent furniture, especially mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs can also hide in electrical switchplates, picture frames, wallpaper and nearly anywhere inside a home.
If you do identify bed bugs in your home, contact us promptly. We will be able to inspect your home, confirm the species and recommend a course of bed bug treatment. |

Furniture & Closets |
Despite their name, bedbugs have no sense of propriety. They don't always remain hidden away in the bed or even the bedroom. They are tiny, opportunistic creatures that migrate easily to all parts of your home including you furniture and closets.
If you have noticed itchy welts on your skin, especially your back or the backs of your legs, or little specks of blood on your clothes or upholstery fabrics, then you probably have a bed bug infestation. The only way to know for sure is to do a thorough inspection. |

Vehicles |
Beds and furniture and the most obvious places to find bed bugs, but these sneaky creatures can also be found in your car. These hitchhikers can easily be brought from your car into your home of business. Bed bugs can sneak into your car via clothing, purses, backpack, boxes or even books.
If you notice blood stains near the seams of the seats, cracks around the console or glove box or the edges of the floor mats, then you problable have a bed bug infestation. The only way to know for sure is to do a thorough inspection. |
Our dogs are trained to detect bed bugs and are far more accurate than human-eye test. They can inspect a room in minutes with visual confirmation from their handler. We are certified through the Wisconsin Pest Control Association and the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association. If you think you have bed bugs contact us online or by phone at (608) 882-1508.